Monday, September 19, 2011

Benefits of Apricot - One of Nature's Fat Burners

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of apricots, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from apricots - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.
Apricots are not quite as big as peaches, and have a dry flesh that is orange/yellow in color. They are a delicate fruit, with a skin that feels like velvet to the touch.
There are over twenty varieties of apricots. These varieties include California Newcastle, which are medium sized, orange in color, and contain a freestone seed. The English Moorpark is another type, having a big freestone pit, and an orange/red color. There is also the French Royal, which contains a yellow/red freestone, and is large and oblate in form.
Were you aware that the word apricot means "precious" in Latin?
Apricots are popular for their gentle, fresh flavor. They are sold fresh or dried in the United States. You can use apricots for preparing jam or for canning.
The Fat Burning Benefits of Apricot
Apricots have little fat, no saturated fat, no sodium, no cholesterol, and have plenty of necessary vitamins and minerals. Apricots supply you with beta carotene. You can get your RDA of vitamin A from just one apricot a day. The human body changes beta carotene into Vitamin A. This vitamin is good for promoting healthy skin, hair, gums, and eyes. Teeth and bones also benefit from vitamin A. Current research has revealed that Vitamin A is also an infection fighter that supports the body's immunity. With this discovery, there is a lot more to consider based on the apricot's natural healing abilities.
Apricots contain a lot of potassium, which is excellent for keeping your bodily fluids stable and for maintaining a healthy blood pressure. There are 427 grams of potassium in one cup of sliced apricots.
Apricots are a good source of fiber, with one cup of sliced apricots having 3.3 grams. Fiber gives you a full feeling without eating too much and also supports digestion by adding bulk to clean out the toxins from your body.
One cup of sliced apricots has 16.5 grams of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C enhances your metabolism and assists with fat burning. This very strong agent does a great job of battling damage caused by free radicals.
Preparing Apricots
When looking for apricots, choose fruit that is firm, with good color and without bruises or cuts. Store unripe apricots in a paper sack at room temperature. Apricots will stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to a week in the crisper drawer.
It is best to eat apricots raw. You can munch on them alone, the same way you munch on a peach, pear, or plum. Also, they are delicious when cut into pieces and put into a green salad. You can put them in a fruit salad for a scrumptious treat.
You will really surprise your palate if you pair this fruit with wild rice and chicken, jello, sliced peaches, or other fruits. Use it to garnish a turkey or another main course.
To sum it up: Use your imagination! There are many ways to serve apricots. Apricots are a great fruit to eat to quell hunger, satisfy a sweet tooth, and provide excellent nutritional benefits.
Portion Size to Use
One serving per day will suffice. One cup of sliced apricots equals one serving.
This is just one example of the many extraordinary Fat Burning Foods available - foods that will burn fat naturally, allowing you to lose weight whilst you eat! Discover over 100 fat burning foods at and start losing weight effortlessly.

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