Sunday, October 9, 2011

Self-Empowerment - Mastering the Art of Going With the Flow to Manifest Your Desires

When you go with the flow of the Spirit, things happen, miracles occur. You become untangled from stress, frustration and you are free and open to what the Spirit has to offer.
In this state of being and relaxation, the synchronicity of life occurs. Things begin to fall into place, your desires are satisfied and you can marvel at how everything has come together so easily and effortlessly without you having to force, push or 'make it happen'.
When you let go and flow with the Spirit, the problem you've been trying to resolve for the longest time simply unfolds the solution and you wonder, "Why hadn't I thought of that before?"
Sometimes we become so caught up with life's schedules/ the rigidity of our schedules, we miss what the Spirit has to offer.
Practice the art of going with the flow so you can master it and live in a more relaxed state of mind.
Here's a real life example.
On one of our trips into the city, while we were parked in the parking lot, I observed behind the fence a tree laden with apricots. So I was talking with one of my daughters wondering how much the owners would charge for a bag of apricots. I didn't go ask them though.
We left that area and took the children for a drive and on our journey we ended up at the local airport where we got to see a couple of small planes coming in.
After we left the airport, we decided to drive some more before we headed back home. As we were driving on one of the local roads, we came to a roadside tree also laden with apricots. We were able to stop the vehicle and picked some to take with us.
The desire to have apricots opened the door and manifested a way for us to enjoy them. We went with the flow; being open to what the Spirit had to offer. We didn't initially get the apricot from the first tree because we didn't know the owners. However, a way was provided for us to still enjoy apricots without having to intrude on someone else.
When you become clear on what you desire to achieve in life, the possibilities to have that desire become reality are endless. Once you keep an open mind and are willing to go with the flow of the Spirit what you desire will manifest itself, the offer will present itself to you with ease.
We were simply having a good time with our children and following where we felt prompted to go. It is in this willingness to do as we were instructed that our desire was satisfied.
What is it do you desire? Become clear right now, let your imaginative skills go to work for you, envision your desire and allow your mind to be open to the direction the Spirit is taking you.
Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from feeling stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed to being self-empowered.
Now I would like to invite you to claim your Free 30-Minute Self-Empowerment Coaching Session at
- We work together on helping you get laser clear on what you desire to accomplish in your life.
- Uncover what has been keeping you from reaching your goals and sabotaging your progress.
- And leave with specific mindset and precise action steps you can take right away to move you toward manifesting your desire.
Click on the link to learn more.
From: Alicia Isaacs - Changing Inside Out Now!

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